Sunday, June 30, 2019

Farewell Kupus, Hello Whitings

This was the last week for President and Sister Kupu.  They roasted a pig and invited all the Lusaka missionaries for dinner.  Sister Kupu also had a Sisters night to say goodbye to the Sisters.  Really enjoyed being around the missionaries more this week.

At the Sisters night, they split the 12 sisters into 3 groups and asked each group to represent a nation
 that one of the Sisters were from.  This group covered Tonga.

This group covered Nigeria.  Each group sang a hymn in that country's language.
This group represented Ghana.
 As they came in they tossed flour as a token of light on the one representing the queen.  

Sister Missionaries from the two Lusaka Zones

Our Farewell feast!  

Elders goofing off.  Some of the Tongans took the head home
 because they said that was the best part, including the brain.  
Hungry Missionaries waiting for dinner!

The missionaries just hanging out waiting for the dinner decided to sing.  
Love these impromptu things.

Great group of missionaries from the two Lusaka Zones
A group of missionaries from New Zealand and other islands, 
entertained us with this Maori warrior chant. 

Incoming Whitings and Outgoing Kupus.  They have a 1.5 hour meeting together then
 the new President and wife are on their own.  They will be great!

Us with President and Sister Whiting and the Jones. 
The Whitings have a 15 year old son with them but we haven't met him yet.  
Yes we actually did some work this week.  Checked out the water to the Nchute School.
 Had to convert the community hand pump into a solar pump with tank and a 0.6 km line to the school.
 They are very happy now.

The Nchute health clinic also benefited because we were able to add a booster pump to get the water up the hill to the health clinic.  They are planning on adding a small tank and piping into the maternity ward and adding a sink and shower.  
Followed up with Tiyende Pamodzi primary school.  They have 2000 students in 7 classrooms so we are proposing that the church build a 3 classroom building on this site and provide desks.  They will also repair about 30 desks if the church purchases the materials.  The community is willing to provide materials or money for 10% of the project cost. 

We love to see gardens at these schools.  That shows good initiative towards greater self reliance.  

Non-government community schools here always have challenges paying for quality teachers and school supplies.
 This small school had set up a butchery to help pay teachers and get school supplies.
 But they needed some equipment to improve their profit.  The church provided a mincer and bow cutter.  
The Mincer.  Both pieces of equipment will allow them to supply other
 Butcheries and make a better profit for the school.  

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