Sunday, August 25, 2019

Chisikila Closing & Clinics

Attended the handover ceremony at the Chisikila clinic in a very remote area.  
The church provided a solar pump, water tank, and distribution lines
 into the health clinic and staff house, to the school, and to the community. 
 This was the first running water this community has ever had. 
 They were very appreciative. 

Celebrating water piped to the school.  They have delineated an area for a garden
where they will grow Yams and other produce for feeding the children.  
 These women were singing a song about how they so appreciated
 everything that they could just wrap us up in a blanket and carry us
 on their back like they do with their babies.  
Some of the dignitaries waiting for the program to start.

Lots of speeches.  We even got in the act.
 Our message is that God knows them, loves them, and it is through
 His Grace that this project is possible.  

A skit that some youth did.  It was about keeping the solar panels safe from vandalism.
 Was very well done.

The group who provided entertainment at the closing ceremony.  
This illustrates why it is so important to have running water. 
This clinic is near a major river and this man was recently getting water
 from the river when he was attacked by a crocodile.  Lost his right arm in the attack.
 The river is full of crocs so this is not uncommon.
Visited the Chianda clinic.  The water tower is up and they are about ready to put the tank up.  

Chianda clinic is nearly complete.  Finishing painting and putting up the water supply system.
Hospital equipment being delivered to the Mwachisompola Health Clinic.  

We were able to provide an ultrasound machine,
 the first one they have had within that entire district (county).

We even provided benches for those waiting to see the Dr.
Grandma has been wanting to get a picture of these ox carts for a long time now.
They are in many of the rural areas.   Finally got a shot.
Grandma with Faith (left) and Che Che (right).  We have been teaching Faith, a recent convert,
 about various topics and this one was on the Come Follow Me program.
 Che Che is her friend and she came to church with her today.  She stayed the whole time
 even when Faith had to leave to take care of a family matter.  Great young ladies. 

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Dashing Around

We have been dashing around a lot this week.  
We are really enjoying teaching recent converts about temple work,
 priesthood, families, gospel learning, sabbath day, etc. 
 All three families were at church today who we have
 been teaching so that was wonderful  

Visited Nyabombe school.  These children were getting water for their families. 

The school had put up a fence to keep out cattle/goats and planted a new garden.
 They try to feed the school children once they get vegetables.
  Planted squash, rape, okra, etc.  

Teacher's house at Nyabombe nearing completion.  
In all of Africa, the church does a "Helping Hands" project in August. 
 Each ward tries to do a project for the community. 
 We helped the Lusaka ward paint one of the hospital buildings.  
A good turnout of about 30 people from the ward who were able to participate. 

Even Missionaries got involved. 

The biggest helper.

For many, this was the first time they had painted.
 They were excited because it taught them a new skill that they could
 use for a job in the future. 
We try to deliver pizza to those in our district on their birthdays.
 The Elder on the right, sent us two texts reminding us it was his birthday this week.
They all LOVE pizza!!!  
Sister Pulsipher had a new companion today. 
Sister Mau hurt her leg and has not been able to walk much.
 So while her companion went with other missionaries to work in her area,
 she stayed with us.  She's been working in the office lately. 

The very faithful Daka family, one of the recent convert families we have been teaching.
 Today they got up at 6 am, caught a bus at 7 and came halfway to church,
 then walked 6 km the rest of the way to church.  They are really a special family.
Young Jackson, passed the sacrament for the first time today.

Ended the week with a couple being baptized.
 We will put them on our list of recent converts we are teaching.  

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Doctor and Paper work

This week we did a lot of paper work because Grandpa messed up how to 
deal with our Malawi projects and finances. 
 A little surgery and checking on progress of projects.

Drove to Kaminembe to pay bills and check on progress. 
Outside plastering complete and 2 of the classroom floors were done.  
They have to keep the floors wet to help cure
 so they partition it off into smaller sections and pour on water. 

Tiyende Pamodzi 3 classroom building slab level completed. 

Had the Sisters over for popcorn and peanuts to watch the new missionary safety videos.

Grandpa trying his hand at roasting groundnuts (peanuts), dry roasted, honey roasted,
 and boiled.  He overcooked them but we are eating them anyway. 
A family in our ward invited us to have dinner with them. 
 It was delicious and that's where Grandpa got inspired to make boiled peanuts.
  Their 5 year old made up a story for us that went on and on 
and brought in some bible related parts.  She has such expression.  So cute.

Gandpa had a little surgery to remove some growths. 

Grandpa is very proud of his scar.  Healing up nicely.

Sunday, August 4, 2019

More Schools and Farmers Fair

A great week!  Checked on projects, started 3 new projects, zone conference, and visited the fair. 

Started out with Zone conference.  Pres. Whiting teaching.  

Elder Pulsipher and Elder Jones role playing a visit to returning members.
Lunch Time!  Sister Whiting showing the Sisters how a baked potato bar works.

Elder Patel and Elder Muetshi, two of the Elders serving in our ward.

Visited this school about 25 km outside of Kabwe.  Do you see anything different about the school?
The roof was blown off last November.  With raining season starting in about 3 months, they need a roof.  

Grandma checking out the missing roof
We asked the school children to sing us a song.

Visited another little school who were meeting in a house and in makeshift outdoor classrooms. 
 They greeted us with a great welcome song.    

This was an outside classroom

Indoor classroom where they were feeding the baby class (preschool).  
The kids made up a song about their names for Grandma.

We were able to visit the Agricultural show in celebration of the national Farmer's Day holiday. 
 Lots of people selling, big fairground, displays, commercial advertising, etc. 
 They even had cotton candy!

Jump aboard the train at the fairgrounds. 
  Over 600 high school girls and two big bands put on a show in the arena.  

Even acrobats at the fair!