Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Zambia Arrival

Proof that we really made it to Zambia.  After about 28 hours in airports with a 15.5 hour flight leg, we arrived Saturday night grateful to be here!  Sunday we caught two sessions of conference and the Lewis's gave us a quick tour.  Had lunch with 4 recent converts, one of whom has to walk an hour to church. 
Everyone walks here so we feel very blessed to have a truck to take us to remote areas.  They drive on the opposite side of road here so trying to get used to that. Here's our brand new Ford Ranger with only 46 miles on it.  We are afraid to drive it!
A picture of the front of our apartment on the bottom floor.  It is very nice.  We've been busy picking up a few things for the apartment and setting up our internet and office within the apartment. 


  1. Love it!! Keep the pictures coming!

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